A New World of Adventure…
Discover the World of Aetaltis, an amazing new campaign setting designed for use with the Fifth Edition of the world’s best-known roleplaying game. In Aetaltis, you’ll unlock a setting that rekindles the fire of classic heroic fantasy game worlds. It’s everything that made fantasy RPGs such an incredible phenomenon, reimagined and refreshed for today’s gamers.
The World of Aetaltis: Player’s Guide includes everything you need to make a character for a World of Aetaltis game, as well as the Aetaltis rules you’ll need at the table over the course of your adventures!
- Seven New Lineages (Plus All Your Old Favorites): Play one of the seven new Aetaltan lineages, including cheebats, drothmals, fairies, newardin, orogs, scythaa, and sprites. Or choose from your old favorites, such as humans, dwarves, elves, and halflings.
- Cultures, Callings, and Finishing Touches: Add richness and depth to your adventurer with new character creation options. Choose from fifteen unique Aetaltan cultures, nine different callings, and a wealth of options for fleshing out your character’s history.
- Heroic Character Classes: Everything you need to know to play your favorite classes in an Aetaltis adventure, plus the new Mountebank class.
- New Point-Based Magic System: Discover the secrets of glyph magic, an exciting new system for point-based arcane spellcasting. Draw on the power of ley lines, charge your essence stones, and cast spells directly from newly recovered spellbooks. But beware! Roll a 1 and you face potential disaster with catastrophic spell failure!
- And Much More: All of the great content described above, plus a dozen new divine domains, nine new backgrounds, new spells, and over twenty pages of equipment with a revised pricing system based on real 13th century European prices!

So grab your blade and spellbook, gather your most courageous companions, and get ready to start your adventure in the World of Aetaltis! And for even more adventure, check out the entire line of World of Aetaltis books.